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Rezervujte si termín úvodnej konzultácie v advokátskej kancelárii JUDr. Peter Martinkovič. LL.M.

Úvodná konzultácia v trvaní najviac 1 hodiny slúži na zoznámenie sa, oboznámenie sa s vašim problémom, alebo s vašou situáciou. My právne posúdime vašu vec, nasmerujeme vás, navrhneme vám riešenie, alebo možnosti, ktoré máte a poskytneme vám informácie o podmienkach nášho zastúpenia, najmä návrh našej odmeny. V prípade, že by vaša situácia potrebovala hlbšiu analýzu, vyhradili by sme si nevyhnutný čas na prípravu nášho predbežného stanoviska, ktoré by sme vám poskytli písomne, alebo e-mailom. Pokiaľ by ste súhlasili a rozhodli sa využiť naše právne služby, pristúpime k uzavretiu zmluvy o poskytovaní právnych služieb a k udeleniu plnomocenstva na vvaše zastupovanie.

Initial consultation on working days is charged at the amount 50,- EUR.

The initial consultation on weekend and holidays is charged at the amount of 100,- EUR.

    Your name

    Email address



    Message for us

    The initial consultation at the place designated by you is charged, in addition to the relevant tariff (50/100,- EUR), also with travel expenses and compensation for loss of time associated with travel pursuant to Section 15 of Decree No. 655/2004 Coll. on the fees and compensation of advocates for the provision of legal services, as amended.

    In case your case cannot be delayed, e.g. in case of detention, arrest, or conducting search warrant, etc., we are available 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.

    AK Martinkovič - Bratislava

    Tomášikova 30, 821 01 Bratislava - Ružinov, Slovenská republika


    Tel: +421 904 050 739

    Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 18:00

    Videoconferencing/telephonically : at any time by appointment.
    We will come to you: at any time by agreement

    AK Martinkovič - Nové Zámky

    M. R. Štefánika 17, 940 01 Nové Zámky


    Tel: +421 904 050 739

    Fri: 8:00 - 18:00 (by appointment)
    Sat: 9:00-12:00 (by arrangement)

    Videoconferencing/telephonically : at any time by appointment.
    We will come to you: at any time by agreement

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    Councel 24/7

    If you need immediate assistance, especially if:

    - you were arrested,
    - the police conducts a house search,
    - you have been detained or restricted in your personal liberty,

    we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
    call us on +421 904 050 739

    In the above cases, you have ALWAYS the right to ask the police to allow you to call a lawyer without one being present say NOTHING.